1·Sam Shepard is considered to be the most influential American dramatist at the present age, and his family trilogy, The Curse of the Starving Class, Buried Child and True West are his masterpieces.
2·This is all the more true because Kosovo has increasingly become part of an argument between the West and Russia which has little to do with its rival Serbs and Albanians.
3·But the other Sudanese, especially in the battered west and marginal east, will once again find themselves woefully lacking in true representation.
4·True, the distribution may have shifted eastwards since the Kyoto protocol – but that is partly because the west increasingly imports its manufactured goods.
5·The ancient Greeks and early originators of organized education in the west recognized that true education was ultimately about self-knowledge, or to "know thyself."
6·True, it sits at a railway crossroads between the main north-south and east-west lines, a major asset in a country where most goods still are moved by train.
7·The world is watching, and technology is connecting, and the West is sending what signals it can, but in the end that is true.
8·That may also be true in North West Leicestershire.
9·Lifestyle: This West African country has been described as a "parody of an oil kleptocracy," and that's certainly true of the jet-setting life of its ruling family..
10·The true plot in this drama, in my view, is the gradual dissolution of 'the West' as both a philosophic notion and a trans-Atlantic alliance.